Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil

(1 customer review)


Scent: sweet, lemony, and fresh, with a woody hint.

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled from the leaves.

Country of Origin:Australia

Colour: Pale yellow.

Note: Middle

Caution: Use only diluted, external use only.


Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Natural Mosquito repellent

100% pure Lemon Eucalyptus Oil (Eucalyptus Citriodora)

Lemon Eucalyptus oil is used mainly as a natural mosquito repellent. It is used for preventing mosquito and tick bites; Great to combine with geranium and fennel for this matter. Other uses are for treating muscle spasms, toenail fungus (onychomycosis), and osteoarthritis and other joint pain. It is also an ingredient in chest rubs used to relieve congestion.

Baths: add 5-8 drops to bath
Massages: add 2-3 drops of essential oils to 15ml (1 tablespoonful) of carrier oil
Vaporisation: add 2-4 drops of essential oils to a burner.

Scent: sweet, lemony, and fresh, with a woody hint.

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled from the leaves.

Country of Origin: India

Colour: Pale yellow.

Note: Middle

Caution: Use only diluted, external use only.

Natural mosquito repellent recipe:

Simply mix

3 drops Lemon Eucalyptus oil

3 drops Geranium oil

3 drops fennel oil

10ml Sweet almond oil

Shake well and you are ready to go.

The thing is you must re-apply every 30-45 min. because the essential oil will evaporate in that time.

100% pure, best value therapeutic grade essential oil suitable for use by therapists and in making cosmetics, candles and soaps as well as for use in the home e.g. in oils burners, diffusers, saunas, adding to the bath etc.

Bottle Carries Batch Number and Best Before Date

External use only.

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