Camphor Essential Oil


Camphor Essential Oil

Scent: Sharp, camphoraceous, woody undertone.

Plant parts used: Wood.

Extraction Method: Steam distillation.

Colour: Colourless to pale yellow.

Note: Middle.

RRP: $6.30-$7.80



White Camphor Essential Oil (Cinnamonum camphora)

Traditional uses of camphor oil:

Camphor essential oil is a strong antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Used widely for treatment and prevention of respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis or flu in the diffuser, steam bath or as the active ingredient in chest ointment. The oil is also anesthetic and can be used in massage oil for muscle pain. Stimulates the blood flow. Can be used diluted in a base oil or in an ointment formula externally on wounds, cuts, acne and arthritis.

White camphor oil contains cineole, which is the active ingredient in eucalyptus oil, and limonene which is the active ingredient in lemon oil so its activity is a combination of them both.

Properties: Muscle pains, Low blood pressure, Nervous system weakness.

Scent: Sharp, camphoraceous, woody undertone.

Plant parts used: Wood.

Extraction Method: Steam distillation.

Colour: Colourless to pale yellow.

Note: Middle.

Chakra: solar plexus.

Caution: Avoid during homeopathic treatment and while pregnant. May cause skin irritation. Avoid in cases of epilepsy.

Home made Tiger balm with camphor oil

20gr beeswax

150gr Almond oil

16gr each of camphor essential oil

15gr peppermint arvensis essential oil

10gr cajeput essential oil

2gr clove essential oil

1gr cinnamon essential oil

Dissolve the beeswax in a double boiler, add the almond oil and mix well, add the essential oils, mix again and pour into small containers. Let cool, stirring occasionally until solid.

This amount will make 4 jars of 50gr tiger balms so give your friends and family or just halve it. These are big jars!

Will cost around $50 for ingredients, 200gr tiger balm will cost at the time I wrote this cost $120 if you are lucky.

Here you can read what can you do with so much tiger balm

Spiritual camphor

Camphor brings cleansing and purification.

Was used in Borneo and Sumatra as incense to keep away bad spirits.

In Asia the wood of camphor trees was used in temple buildings and religious icons. Many large Buddhas were made from this wood.

Baths: add 5-8 drops to bath
Massages: add 2-3 drops of essential oils to 15ml (1 tablespoonful) of carrier oil
Vaporisation: add 2-4 drops of essential oils to a burner.

100% pure, best value therapeutic grade essential oil suitable for use by therapists and in making cosmetics, candles and soaps as well as for use in the home e.g. in oils burners, diffusers, saunas, adding to the bath etc.

Bottle Carries Batch Number and Best Before Date

External use only.

For your all essential oils needs click here.

Our full price list.

Please refer here to another variant of this oil.


Additional information


10ml, 10ml With Gift Box


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