Tea Tree Oil


Australian Tea Tree Essential Oil

Scent: Fresh, antiseptic, camphoraceous odour.

Plant parts used: Leaves and terminal branchlets

Extraction Method: Steam distillation

Colour: Colourless to pale yellow

Note: Middle

RRP: $5.65 – $18.00


Australian Tea Tree Essential Oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia)

Captain cook’s sailor’s made a tea from the tea tree leaves to fight scurvy. This is how the Melaluca tree get its common name and this is how this tree was discovered to the western world. The Aborigines, of course, knew all about tea tree already, they used it for respiratory problems and headaches. Sometimes spelled ti-tree, tea tree oil is considered the strongest natural antiseptic, 4-5 times more affective than the usual household disinfectant.

Common uses of tea tree oil:

aborigines used tea tree oil to cure infected wounds.

vapour therapy – colds, bronchitis, chest infections, sinus and viral infections.

skin care – Acne, oily skin, head lice and dandruff.

One of the 2 essential oils that can be used undiluted on skin (the other on is Lavender).

Scent: Fresh, antiseptic, camphoraceous odour.

Plant parts used: leaves and terminal branchlets.

Extraction Method: Steam distillation.

Colour: Colourless to pale yellow.

Note: Middle.

Properties: antibacterial, antifungal (Vaginal, athletes foot, ringworm etc.) and antiseptic, penetrating, medicinal, stimulating.

Chakra: root.

Caution: none.

Blends well with: lavender, clary sage, rosemary, pine, ylang ylang, geranium, clove, nutmeg and the other spice oils.

Easy uses of tea tree essential oil

Clear thinking – tea tree and peppermint in the diffuser.

Self-confidence – 2 drops tea tree and 4 drops mandarin oil in a bath.

Cuts, wounds, insect bites – apply some drops on  cotton ball to the area, as is, undiluted.

Acne and oily skin – mix 3 drops tea tree, lemon and geranium essential oils in a tablespoon of almond oil, apply nightly.

Prevent the spread of air-borne infections – Diffuse the oil in the diffuser. Steam inhalation? Even better!

Treat the pain of shingles – tea tree mixed with aloe vera gel.

Spiritual tea tree

Renews energy levels and restores optimism. Strenghening and warming.

Baths: add 5-8 drops to bath
Massages: add 2-3 drops of essential oils to 15 ml (1 tablespoonful) of carrier oil
Vaporisation: add 2-4 drops of essential oils to a burner.

100% pure, best value therapeutic grade essential oil suitable for use by therapists and in making cosmetics, candles and soaps and for the home e.g. in oils burners, diffusers, saunas, adding to the bath, etc.

Bottle carries best before date.

External use only.

For your all essential oils needs click here.

Our full price list.

Please refer here to another variant of this oil.

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10ml, 10ml With Gift Box, 50ml, 100ml

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