Christmas Scents – Festive Essential oil Blends
Christmas Scents – Essential Oils Blends Scent is the most powerful memory trigger, and who does not want to remember Christmas:) Gingerbread in the oven, the smell of a Christmas tree, cinnamon stars and all this Christmas baking. So, if you don’t intend to bake all day long here are some Christmas scents ideas you…

How and why did I create my hyperpigmentation Skin care
How and why did I create my hyperpigmentation Skin care I always say, look at my products and know who I am. I never developed any soap or cream that I didn’t really need for myself or for my family. My first products were my hyperpigmentation Skin care. They were developed originally only for myself…

At home Skin whitening simplified
Basic rules for skin whitening So, you want a lighter skin. Maybe because of Hyperpigmentation, maybe because this is your mood today. Either way, there are some simple things you can do at home before trying other treatments. Skin whitening Absolute no nos Let’s say it loud and clear, sun may be good for your…
How to treat sunburn and insect bites effectively and easily!
Summe’r issue: How to treat Sunburn and mosquito bites Two things already happened to me this summer: Me and my family got sunburnt to our bones. We just went to a friend’s house, feeding the goats and playing with the cat and duck. The irresponsible mummy didn’t think about sunblock. If we went to the…