Clove Essential Oil


Clove oil

Scent: Rich, Spicy, Sweet

Extraction Method: Steam distillation from the Leaf

Colour: Burnt Orange

Note: Middle to base

Properties: Emotional, Warming, Comforting

RRP: $5.10 – $26.60


Clove Oil (Syzygium Aromaticums) clove leaf essential oil.

Traditional uses of clove oil:

Clove essential oil belongs to the warming, energizing spices. Strong antimicrobial, antiseptic and pain-killer.

For centuries people chewed the clove “nails” to release the essential oil and numb toothache. Also today the oil is used mostly for toothache.
The ancient Persians used clove in love potions. Adds a mysterious, interesting aroma to perfumes.

Helps with oral problems such as toothache, decay, plaque or canker sores. Strong antiseptic and can penetrate hard tissues, makes it ideal treating toenail fungus. Also good for disinfecting acne and other skin infections. Used as a pain-killer not only for dental problems but also for muscle pain and other pains caused from inflammation.

Scent: rich, spicy, sweet.

Extraction Method: Steam distillation from the Leaf.

Colour: burnt orange.

Note: middle to base.

Properties: emotional, warming, comforting, pain-relieving.

Chakra: root.

Cautions: For topical use, use low dilution, less than 1%.

Blends well with: Basil, bergamot, cinnamon bark, clary sage, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, orange, peppermint, rose, rosemary and ylang ylang essential oils.

Clove massage oil

1 cup almond oil

1 tablespoon chilli powder (optional)

15 drops ginger essential oil

15 drops peppermint essential oil

15 drops clove oil

If you use the chilli powder, add one tablespoon to the almond oil and leave it in a jar on the window with lots of sun for a month. Then sieve and add the essential oils. That’s it, you are ready to go!

Easy uses of clove essential oil

Stage or exam phobia – 3 drops clove and mandarin essential oils in the diffuser.

Focus – Inhale clove essential oil straight from the bottle or from a tissue with a drop on it.

Restore appetite – same as focus.

Prevent diseases – Same as focus.

Wet cough – Steam inhalation with 2 drops clove and 4 drops myrtle essential oils.

Spiritual clove

Enhance inner strength and vision, encourages you to follow your true path. It has an energy of action, not too much thinking without deeds. Making it easier to move on despite the obstacles.

Baths: add 5-8 drops to bath
Massages: add 2-3 drops of essential oils to 15 ml (1 tablespoonful) of carrier oil
Vaporisation: add 2-4 drops of essential oils to a burner.

100% pure, best value therapeutic grade essential oil suitable for use by therapists and in making cosmetics, candles and soaps as well as for use in the home e.g. in oils burners, diffusers, saunas, adding to the bath etc.

External use only.

For your all essential oils needs click here.

Our full price list.



Additional information


10ml, 10ml with gift box, 50ml, 100ml


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